There is really not enough time in the day to get everything done I need to accomplish. Everything is so rushed and hectic, I wish the world would just stop for about a month so I could go about my business and finish up some things. I would love to have the luxury of working on my art. I can't afford Photoshop or Painter or any of that stuff. I can afford ArtRage, which is really amazing. Especially since it can do pretty much anything the bigger proggys can.
This little guy on the right here was done in ArtRage. Learning new programs takes time, but ArtRage is quick, easy and very powerful. I highly recommend it, especially if you are on a budget and have children that are artistically inclined. Seriously, it is so easy to use and fun, you can jump in right away without having the massively ugly and confusing interface of Photoshop and Painter.
My eBay stuff is selling pretty well. Shipping costs and fees are messed up. I keep trying to find the happy medium where I can sell something and make a profit! So far, keeping a really low starting bid of like .99 cents and making sure the shipping costs make me some money, seems to be working ok. I just need to find more time in the day to post more stuff.
I really wish there was more time in the day to just kick back with my lovely wife and children. Things are so stressful right now, we are all feeling crunched. It's been a year since I was eliminated from our previous job at a Childrens Home where we had been house parents for eleven years. So, it's especially hard.
The other day, my youngest daughter and I went out and picked some blackberries that are growing in my father's backyard. It was about 99 degrees and too darn hot to stay outside, but we spent some time together and that's important.
Well, I guess I'm finished for now. I need to run to The Dollar Tree to see if they have some multipurpose saline solution for my contacts. I'm almost out. Hayley needs a new toothbrush and toothpaste, too.
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